# CRELoaded Generated Robots.txt # Robot Exclusion File -- robots.txt # Author: CRELoaded Team # Last Updated : September 11th, 2007 User-Agent: * Disallow: /admin/ Disallow: /cache/ Disallow: /cert/ Disallow: /debug/ Disallow: /download/ Disallow: /ext/ Disallow: /includes/ Disallow: /pear/ Disallow: /pub/ Disallow: /temp/ Disallow: /templates/ Disallow: /tmp/ #To prevent only a select bots from any scans #User-agent: crawlers.looksmart.com #Disallow: / #To prenet any images from being scanned #Disallow: *.gif #Disallow: *.jpg #Disallow: *.png #To block main page due to size from bots #Disallow: /index.php #To shut down site completely from bots use # Disallow: / #Block out things that are secure or login oriented #These are based on not using any rewrite rules Disallow: /account.php Disallow: /account_edit.php Disallow: /account_history.php Disallow: /account_history_info.php Disallow: /account_password.php Disallow: /address_book.php Disallow: /address_book_process.php Disallow: /checkout_confirmation.php Disallow: /checkout_payment.php Disallow: /checkout_payment_address.php Disallow: /checkout_process.php Disallow: /checkout_shipping.php Disallow: /checkout_shipping_address.php Disallow: /checkout_success.php Disallow: /cookie_usage.php Disallow: /create_account.php Disallow: /create_account_success.php Disallow: /ipn.php Disallow: /login.php Disallow: /logoff.php Disallow: /password_forgotten.php Disallow: /paypal_notify.php Disallow: /redirect.php Disallow: /shipping_estimator_popup.php Disallow: /ssl_check.php Disallow: /vvc_display.php Disallow: /wpcallback.php # IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO HAVE THE GOOGLE IMAGE BOT SCAN YOUR DOMAIN FOR IMAGES # THEN YOU CAN INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR ROBOTS FILE. # I FOUND THAT MY BANDWIDTH USAGE DROPPED BY A MASSIVE AMOUNT AFTER I GOT RID # OF THE GOOGLE IMAGE BOT. ALL I HAD WAS IMAGE HUNTERS STEALING PRODUCT SHOTS # AND NOT EVEN BROWSING THE SITE. #User-agent: Googlebot-Image #Disallow: /